2 months ago

Seymour Duncan Overdrive Forza Pedal

Verkaufe dieses Overdrive Pedal, da ich es leider nicht mehr benutze. Es hat ein paar Gebrauchsspuren, wie auf den Bildern zu sehen, funktioniert aber einwandfrei. Kann gerne vor Ort getestet werden.
Beschreibung der SD Website:
The Forza is a full-range, highly adjustable and transparent overdrive for players who want more gain without losing the natural voice of their guitar. While many overdrives emphasize particular frequencies, the Forza gives you a more even spread across the frequency range. The voicing is very open, and it sounds just as good through a clean channel or hitting an already-overdriven amp. In addition to up to 37dB of gain there’s a three-band EQ for controlling the lows, mids and high end, and the Level control has plenty of range to allow use as a clean boost too. The Forza uses a glass diode, back-to-back stack overdrive circuit. It features True Bypass switching and is made in the USA.
Keine Garantie, die Ware wird unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung verkauft.

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